blow. And indeed it would be if the quoted words stood alone. Evidently Sheila hoped that the reader would not take the trouble to refer back to pages 88-89 of TVia #44. Because if you do you will find that Sheila lifted the quotation (21⁄2 lines) right out of the middle of a paragraph of 31 lines the rest of which explain and condition the statement that she quoted. For her consideration I am not destroyed and I stand on what I said previously. (Being in second place Sheila, you'll just have to try harder- check with Avis (?) on how to do so).
3) Sheila, you are a minor mistress of the vailed dig, the subtle innuendo and the gentle (?) condem- nation. In this paragraph you attempt to set your- self up as the heroic scientist slaying the dragon of guilt by virtue of transfering the load of responsi- bility to some pre-natal event. Now as a person trained in science like yourself I am as much inter- ested in the search for truth as you are. But there are many sciences, some more accurate than others due to the nature of the problems they are concerned with. It is no vindication of a biochemical prenatal approach such as you take to run down the psycho- social approach. People have to live day to day not excepting you and I. We live with our bodies but also with our mind-brain which means that we have to deal with a myriad of factors that we can not take out into a test tube and subject to scientific scrutiny.
It is an inexcapable fact that the wearing or doing of anything feminine or "female-like" by a male in our culture is fraught with emotional haz- ards. Most conveniently these are lumped together under the name GUILT. Carrying a burden of guilt requires emotional energy and causes fatigue, in- adequacy and inefficiency in dealing with other social relationships. We all know this not only as regards TV but in other ways too. You are all aware that the effort of TVia and myself from the beginn- ing has been to help TVs to come to terms with life,